Friday, December 31, 2010

A Little Past

So I'm sitting here tonight, dinner eaten, medicine took, yet my son hasn't ate yet, kind of lonely & bored, which is nothing new to me. I came from a large family and I am used to being around a lot of people. I am missing my husband like crazy, which is also nothing new most of (like 95%) of the time. My husband is a cross-country truck driver and is away from home most of the time.

We are purposely making the sacrifice by being apart so we can move out of the city where we live now. We want to move north where it is a more conservative, family-oriented area of the country and for me I am looking forward in cooler weather!!
Tonight at 12:00 and 1 second, it will be the year 2011! Wow! This year went by fast! Hopefully, LORD willing, this will be a year of victory for my family & I. We are moving and after we move, LORD willing, we are planning on purchasing a house! Of which I am super excited for! That means paint! that means border! I can DECORATE!!! :) We can put our roots down and start making traditions & memories, not that we don't do that now, but it's a whole lot different when you know you'll be in a certain house for years to come!

I will share a little bit of myself the longer I blog at this new blog of mine.

I won't share much geographic or personal specifics due to privacy, but I will describe a little in general. I was born in the great state of Alaska in the 70's. I was raised with 2 sisters and 1 brother and years later found out I had another half-sister that lived down in the lower-48, as we call the contiguous United States. To this day, I have never met her before, but have talked to her on the phone & 1 year she sent me a Christmas gift, which I felt was very nice of her. My dream growing up was to be a Registered Nurse. I had a living-saving operation when I was a little girl and I vividly remember the nurses taking care of me in the middle of the night when I was recovering and then was born my desire to one day be a nurse myself and help the sick, hurting & dying. I have much compassion and love for people, especially those in need either spiritually, physically, emotionally, or mentally.

I moved from Alaska at the age of 19 and worked and went to college majoring in pre-nursing. Off and on from the age of 18, I struggled with mental illness.

I went through a period of depression when I thought my choice to stay in Alaska and not go to nursing school initially wasn't working out for me and not turning out like I had imagined it would. Then I experienced full-blown anxiety attacks. Mental illness runs in my family, so I guess I inherited it. I am now under the care of a wonderful Nurse Practitioner and am stable and happy with the medication I am on for my mental illness. My Nurse Practitioner has been awesome to work with with finding a good medicine management plan that works for me & helps me still function in being an active stay-at-home-mother. In the past I have been on different meds that made me very tired and drowsy and made me want to sleep during the middle of the day every day. As my mother says, you are your own best advocate when it comes to working with your doctor! A good doctor, sometimes, is hard to find, like friends are in life, and when you find one, hold onto them!

In my mid-twenties I met and married my sweetheart, Wendell. The main reason why I chose my husband was because he believed the same way I believed. He was a born-again Christian.

I prayed for my future husband since I was 12 years old. I had to learn a lot of things in my young adulthood before I married. I was a stubborn one and had a lot of expectations in a man. For some reason, I was extremely picky! I even attended Bible College and turned down one man's advances towards me. But hey, if you're not attracted, you're not attracted, right?

So I guess that's enough talk about my past for now.

Moving on to brighter things/the present:

My husband is coming home tommorow night if all goes as planned!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YEAH!!!!!!!!!! I get SO HAPPY when he's home!!! I turn into another person, literally! I know it's important for me to stay busy when he's gone and to have goals I'm aiming for, but hey, when my man's home, it's time to celebrate!!! I love my husband so much and am so thankful for a good man to call my husband!

Goals for next paycheck:

To SAVE some money!

To not spend it all at Wal*Mart!

I need to learn how to live more frugle.

It's better to have money stowed away in case of an emergency than to rely on credit cards with all those not-so-wonderful FEES!!!

Just turned the radio on to The Dave Ramsey Show. Dave Ramsey is a financial advisor that is great to listen to.

Enjoy your New Year's Celebration, ya'll!
A Daughter Of Jesus Christ, Sarah


Introductions, I suppose, are in order first :) My name is Sarah; I will leave out my last name for privacy's sake. My name is Sarah. The definition of my name is princess or God's princess. I plan, upon starting this new blog of mine, to be candid. I am warning you beforehand, if I offend you, I apologize; I in no way intend to offend anyone; I am merely trying to voice my opinion, my thoughts, my mind and of that I don't think anything wrong with. This does happen to be my blog; I am the author, and thank God that we live in a country that we (still) have freedom of speech. One day we may not be as fortunate.

One of the purposes of my blog is to connect with other lovely ladies, whether you be girls, single, married, divorced, seperated, or widowed or even fatherless.

I thank my Jesus that I recently found a number of blogs dedicated to the Christian, Godly woman, wife and mother--what a JOY!!!

The title of my blog: I am a daughter of God whose name is Jesus Christ. I became a daughter of God when I obeyed the Holy Scripture according to Acts 2:28 and John 3:5 when I repented of my sins, was baptized in the glorious, beautiful, magnificant name of Jesus Christ & then received the gift of the Holy Ghost evidenced by the speaking of other tongues as the spirit gave the utterance! I have been born again!!! Hallelujah!!!! Praise be to my Jesus Christ, the ONE I love with all my heart, mind, soul & strength!!!!!! For the greatest commandment is: "Jesus said unto him, Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind. This is the first and great commandment. And the second is like unto it, Thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself. On these two commandments hang all the law and the prophets." Matthew 22:37-40 King James Version Holy Bible

What religion am I? Well I guess to "catagorize" myself, I would say Apostolic Pentecostal; I will indulge what that is in later posts, so read!! read!! First and foremost, I follow the Bible. I read The King James Version Holy Bible. I was taught that that is the most accurate translation that man has. I follow the Bible. I believe in the Bible. Through faith we understand that the worlds were framed by the word of God so that things which are seen were not made of things which do appear. If someone can show me in the Bible something then I will believe it. I also believe in rightly dividing the Word of Truth. We have to compare scripture to scripture and not just run rampant with one scripture.

So for starters a little about me at this point in my life: I am a young woman (in my 30's). I am married and am a mother to 1 child. I feel blessed. My husband and I are best friends. One family member once told me, "how can a husband and wife be best friends?" Well, my theory is that if you can't learn to be friends, you will soon be enemies! Yes, a husband & wife love each other, but one time my Grandmother told me that she was married to her first husband for almost 30 years and never once had a normal conversation with him; never once was his friend. Her marriage did not last. That is why I feel it is important when dating or courting to be friends first; get to know each other first.

My 1 child is a boy; he is 6 years old and he is my Gift from God. He was unplanned when I conceived him, but sometimes God knows better than we do.

I will include a little photograph of my family & I:

Welcome to my blog & I hope you enjoy your time reading & I hope to connect with like-minded women of God who are endeavoring to keep the faith.

In closing: "The aged women likewise, that they be in behaviour as becometh holiness, not false accusers, not given to much wine, teachers of good things; That they may teach the young women to be sober, to love their husbands, to love their children, To be discreet, chaste, keepers at home, good, obedient to their own husbands, that the word of God be not blasphemed." Titus 2:3-5 King James Version The Holy Bible

this is my family & I several years ago when our son was around 2 to 3 years of age standing in front of the church building where we got married at!